Is your school’s safeguarding effective enough in 2023?
21st September 2023 |
What effective safeguarding, in all its facets looks like for schools in 2023 and forward into 2024. This webinar will be of benefit to Headteachers, Senior Leaders Governors and Designated Safeguarding Leads.

On Demand Webinar - Combat Rising Energy Costs
16th May 2023 |
Experts from Strictly Education and Powercor help you understand how you can best combat the rising costs of energy in schools.

On Demand Webinar - Is Internal Scrutiny Adding Value to Your Trust?
10th May 2023 |
An effective internal scrutiny process can add significant value to an academy trust, by helping to manage risks, identify opportunities for improvement, and promote transparency and accountability.

On Demand Webinar - Improving attendance, assessment and behaviour management: How to conquer these three challenges in your school
10th May 2023 |
Addressing three critical challenges schools face with their learners on the road to success: attendance, assessment and behaviour management.

On Demand Webinar - The MAT Leaders Survey 2022
9th May 2023 |
Share in our report and offer valuable insights to increase awareness into the issues currently being faced by MATs.

On Demand Webinar - Strengthen your safer recruitment processes with online profile checks
7th March 2023 |
With the new Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 guidance, schools should be considering online searches of shortlisted job candidates. These searches could identify any incidents and issues that have occurred, and are publicly available, which may be appropriate to explore at interview stages.